
Showing posts from 2017

Runes complete and good to go...?

Good morning all! How goes your day? Well, as promised, here are the two completed Witches Rune sets that I promised to show you, however, as the title of this post suggests, there is a large question mark over whether they will ever be used for divination ...

The Creative Cauldron...

Good Morning all! We're getting all creative again, here at the Cauldron. As you can see from the image, we have our rune blanks ready to receive their coloured coats, inscriptions and dedications.

Back on the Broom!

Good morning gentlefolks! It has been quite some time since my last post, for which I am sorry, but time out was required for personal health, well-being and growth. I had become so caught up in my immediate location, that I was failing to venture out into the wider arena, and missing out on so many great experiences, due to my reluctance to travel outside of my comfort zone. (Sneaky little blighter called "Lethargy" moved in for a while, but has now been evicted!)

Nothing is forgotten ... Nothing is ever forgotten.

To all my friends and family in Manchester. To all the victims of last night's cowardly attack! My thoughts are with you at this heartbreaking time. Love and healing to all in need, Willow

Rune Results - 20th May

Good afternoon, everyone and welcome back! Here are the results from this mornings draw.

A, B or C ... What's in store for today? 20th May

Good morning, everyone! Here are today's Runes for you to select from, drawn by the hand of Little Miss.

Rune Results - 19th May

Good afternoon gentlefolks! Here are the results of this mornings draw. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the daily runes, especially Little Miss. So, if you get chance or feel inclined to share your thoughts, please leave a comment either here, on the blog or on our Facebook page Willow's Cauldron.

A, B or C? Your choices for 19th May

Good morning, everyone! It's looking a little overcast again this morning, despite that, we do have a Hot Air Balloon heading in our direction again. We watched yesterday's Balloon land about 10 miles away, I wonder how close this one will come?

Rune Results - 18th May

Rune A :  LAGAZ, the epitome of  Female Intuition , deals with the area of intuitive knowledge . As the principal female rune, LAGAZ may represent the person for whom the cast has been made, if female of course.

Turmeric Paste ... A Personal Experience.

Just mixed up a batch of Turmeric Paste (aka Golden Paste), ready to start taking it again following a six week break from my daily doses. I started taking a daily dose about eight months ago, following a prolonged period of emotional and physical exhaustion, during which time, my immune system hit an all time low. The symptoms of my depleted immune system included, insomnia, weight gain and inability to lose it, the usual colds and flu's were not easy to shake off, and patchy hair loss or Alopecia Areata 

May the Lord and Lady bless you ...


A, B or C ... 18th May

Good morning, one and all. After the downpours and grey days experienced over the last week, I'm happy to report that we have sunshine down at the Cauldron again.

Rune Results - 17th May

Good evening, everyone! What a day ... As I knew I was going to be away for most of the day, I had left this post scheduled to automatically publish at 15:00 hours. Well, I thought I had. Turns out I failed to hit the publish button after setting up the release time...Doh! Told you I was useless with technology!

Take Your Pick - 17th May

Good Morning everyone! It's a little grey and overcast at the Cauldron, this morning and we certainly had plenty of rain over night. Here are today's Runes for you to select from, drawn by my own hand this morning.

Bound by the Glitch Witch!

Good Morning everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but the 'Glitch Witch' managed to bind me to silence over the last few days. Nothing serious, but I don't exactly have a good track record when it comes to Technology, as my husband will confirm ... He's quite prepared to tell everyone about the 4 televisions (TV's) he says I have " 'fluenced, " into going up in smoke!

A, B or C? - Runes Revealed - 12th May

  Good afternoon, everyone and welcome back! As promised, here are the results of this mornings draw. 

Pick a Rune - 12th May

Good Morning everyone! It's a very grey, wet day here at the Cauldron. A bit of a change from the last few days, but all good for the garden. Here are today's Runes for you to select from, once again, drawn by Little Miss this morning.

Intuition - Inherent to all ... or a gift to the few?

  Intuition : The ability to understand or to know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.  We all have it and from the moment we are born, we demonstrate it, but it's not just a human gift. 

Which Did You Choose - 10th May

Good Afternoon, gentlefolks! Welcome back. Well, which one did you choose?

Today's Choices - 10th May

Good Morning everyone! It's another gloriously sunny day here at the Cauldron, we hope you have as well. Here are today's Runes for you to select from, as drawn by Little Miss this morning.

The Wheel Turns ...


Three Rune Cast - 9th May

I have a cast of contradictions for you this morning. At first glance, the combination of these three runes indicates that there is a time of surprises and unexpected gains on the near horizon, which sounds great.

In the Garden - May's Essential Tasks

Good Morning everyone! Well, we've welcomed in the Merry month of May with the feast of Beltane, and everything in the garden is growing at a rapid pace, and I mean everything! Weeds included, although what constitutes a weed here at the Cauldron, is a mute point.

Serendipity Strikes!

Hello everyone! Serendipity:  The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.  The story so far: A few weeks ago, I introduced you to our one winged fairy, Ariana . Destined for the rubbish tip, but spotted and subsequently adopted by Little Miss, Ariana was found in the over grown garden of a property we were doing up, ready for the rental market. Since July, last year, she has since taken up residence, amidst the Herb Roberts, overlooking the pond in our garden. 

Three Rune Cast

  OTHEL falls in the first position, which represents current situations or the problem at hand.  Ordinarily, OTHEL represents possessions in the form of what money can buy, in particular land or property; but if money is represented it would be in the form of an inheritance, trust fund or pension. It can also signify, movement or changes, often sudden, yet not unexpected.

One more for the melting pot ...


Beltane Blessings ...

Beltane Blessings to one and all! The following has been slightly adapted from a version of the full Wiccan Rede.    Nine woods in the Cauldron go, some burn fast and some burn slow ...

Sunrise or Sunset?

Which is your favourite, Sunrise or Sunset? I'm rather partial to the latter, as we get some stunning ones here at the Cauldron. We also get some stunning images of the Moon setting as well, if I'm awake for the next one, I'll capture its image to show you. We are definitely blessed to have such an un-interrupted view to the West.

Daily Rune - ANSUZ

Good morning all, and welcome back, for those who have already read this mornings first post, 'Apologies ...' This is the rune that Little Miss has drawn for today, now that she's feeling so much better! You would be right in thinking that this rune, ANSUZ, is having a second airing, but by way of explanation, the runes are obviously picking up on the vibes being carried by Little Miss at the moment.

Apologies ...

Good morning everyone! I hope all is well with you? If you dropped by yesterday and were disappointed by the absence of the Daily Rune post, please accept my apologies. Little Miss was unexpectedly taken ill in the early hours of yesterday morning, so naturally, she was my priority.

Our Homemade Rune Set

There are many, many beautiful runes sets that can be purchased via the Internet, craft fairs and bricks and mortar specialist shops. I have been tempted by some beautiful crystal varieties on many occasion but have always held back. I prefer to make my own.

A Three Rune Layout - Part 2

Welcome back! The second type of interpretation for the Three Rune Layout, and the one chosen for today, is where the runes are turned and interpreted individually, from left to right. The first, indicates the problem or situation at hand, the second indicates the course or actions open to you, and the final rune would indicate the potential outcome.

A Three Rune Layout - Part 1

Good Morning all! Initially, we were just going to offer you the usual single rune draw, where upon ING made its second appearance in ten days.

battle scarred beauty

image used with permission, words by Willow Rede

Cards of the Day - A Pivotal Spread

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti Something a little more entertaining for today's Card of the Day slot, in the form of a Pivotal Spread. I think now would be a good time to make a brew and take the weight off, you may be here for some time! You may know of this spread by another name, which is fine, but for me,  the position in which these cards presented themselves, gives a clear progression towards, and away from a definitive Pivotal Point.

Interesting Combination from Today's Draws!

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti I find it fascinating that both the runes drawn by Little Miss, and the card drawn by myself for today share such a similar theme. Forewarned is forearmed as they say ... at least then we can stand a chance at dealing with whatever Karma throws in our direction.

Card of the Day - Seven of Swords

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti On first glance, this card would indicate that someone is up to no good or that things are not currently going to plan. Theft of some description may be indicated by this cards, but whether that is in the form of intellectual theft or physical possessions may be clarified by other cards presented at the time of the reading. Perhaps this card is serving as a reminder to take the necessary steps to avoid such lossess. Reversed: It may indicate a delay in discovering the deed, or the apprehension of the person or persons involved.

Daily Runes - WYRD and THURISAZ

Well, we have a slight change from the usual draw today in that we have two runes for delectation. As the first rune drawn by Little Miss this morning was WYRD, which is blank and signifies a void, I felt that a second rune should be drawn for clarification, if that was possible.

Card of the Day - Four of Cups

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti The Four of Cups , even in its upright position, is a card of mixed possibilities. There is an air of nonchalance surrounding this card which may indicate a level of boredom or discontent. Perhaps things have been going so well for you at the moment, that you are just taking it for granted that it will continue to do so? Be warned, if you do not shake off this indifference there is a strong possibility that you will miss many of the opportunities heading your way, even the ones offered to you on a plate. Time to stir your stumps and be alert, or you could end up kicking yourself later!

Card of the Day - The Chariot

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti As you can see, the card for today is the Chariot reversed, but before we can delve into the constraints implied by its reversed position, we should perhaps take a moment to appreciate what this card could signify in its upright position. Generally,wherever this card falls within a spread, it is often seen as a card that depicts triumph of some description, but one that has been worked for and earned.

Egg Hunt - Done and Dusted

Wishing everyone who have sorted their own, or are planning to attend an organised charity Egg Hunt, a wonderful and rewarding time. Ours was over quite quickly and without too much pain. Although, I think the 06:50 start was a bit much, so I may have to impose a curfew next year! Strange, but Little Miss never gets up that early for the Mid-winter extravaganza? Amazing what the promise of CHOCOLATE will do!

Card of the Day - Knight of Wands - Reversed

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti Normally, the Knight of Clubs indicates confidence, energy and ambition. There is a strong possibility that a change of scenery is close at hand. Now this could indicate a journey undertaken for a holiday, but it may also refer to a more significant change, for example moving house. It may even indicate a combination of the two in the form of immigration. All of which would depend on any supporting cards in the spread.

Card of the day - Ten of Pentacles

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti Well, would you believe it? Making a solo guest appearance this time, is the Ten of Pentacles. This is the second time this week,  and as such, I'm inclined to think that its presence today, it is seeking to strengthen or support the message it relayed earlier. In short, return of this card so quickly on the heals of its last appearance lends more weight to the sense of feeling satisfied, settled and secure with your life, at the moment.

Card of the Day - The Lovers

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti The arrival of this card in any reading usually sparks much interest and excitement, and with good reason. To me, this card fairly shouts out all the emotional possibilities that surround the area of human love and relationships, from the spiritual, to the carnal, and everything in between! At first glance, we have all the markings of a passionate and possibly new relationship. The perfect couple, with perfectly sculpted bodies, possibly representing our secret ideals. He is decidedly masculine and she is the epitome of all that is feminine. They are surrounded by the element of water, representing our emotions and they both appear to be basking in the golden afterglow of their passion, the dolphins represent the playful nature often associated with new relationships.

Cards of the Day ... Part Two!

Welcome Back! Well ... "so far, so good!" as the saying goes. As indicated in Part One, the cards look to be well balanced and well favoured, so time to take a closer look at the individual cards; Starting with ... The King of Swords:  This may represent a man or an authoritative figure, a Judge, Police Officer, Solicitor etc. Someone with a plethora of knowledge, a razor sharp mind and articulate of speech. This person tends not to give too much of his personal life/or thoughts away and prefers to concentrate on the situation before him. It can also indicate that you are about to be judged. This card also indicates that, by employing a rational approach to situations, you have the ability to take charge of your life and make things happen for you. In other words, don't be afraid to seize new opportunities as they present themselves, otherwise you could find yourself and your future controlled by others.  The Three of Cups: Generally, this ...