Welcome Back! Well ... "so far, so good!" as the saying goes. As indicated in Part One, the cards look to be well balanced and well favoured, so time to take a closer look at the individual cards; Starting with ... The King of Swords: This may represent a man or an authoritative figure, a Judge, Police Officer, Solicitor etc. Someone with a plethora of knowledge, a razor sharp mind and articulate of speech. This person tends not to give too much of his personal life/or thoughts away and prefers to concentrate on the situation before him. It can also indicate that you are about to be judged. This card also indicates that, by employing a rational approach to situations, you have the ability to take charge of your life and make things happen for you. In other words, don't be afraid to seize new opportunities as they present themselves, otherwise you could find yourself and your future controlled by others. The Three of Cups: Generally, this ...