Apologies ...

Good morning everyone! I hope all is well with you?

If you dropped by yesterday and were disappointed by the absence of the Daily Rune post, please accept my apologies.

Little Miss was unexpectedly taken ill in the early hours of yesterday morning, so naturally, she was my priority.

Nausea, vomiting, headache, petechial rash to her cheeks, and abdominal pain, combined with a raging and high temperature.

Although the vomiting was over and done with by 04:30, her other symptoms remained a concern. Her temperature refused to drop to a safe level, despite following all the usual practice of striping down to bare minimal clothing, application of cold packs and, of course, the administration of Paracetamol (Calpol). It was this inability to reduce her temperature that prompted a trip to the out of hours GP service.

Of course, there are a few hoops to jump through before you get an appointment with the out of hours service. I made the initial phone call to the NHS 111 service at 12:30, after two consecutive doses of Paracetamol had failed to reduce her temperature. We then had to wait for a Health Care Professional to contact us, within the next two hours. This call came through with just 10 minutes to spare.

Following a lot of questions, we were then offered an appointment at 16:45, with the Out of Hours Service, based at a local hospital.

Following a thorough examination, it was decided that Little Miss had been hit by a particularly hard hitting virus.

The vomiting and headache were deemed to be due to the high temperature, the rash was consistent with either violent coughing or vomiting, not meningitis as had been playing at the back of my mind and the abdominal pain was just incidental.

Having not eaten all day, Little Miss was now suffering from hunger pains. When asked by the GP what she would like to eat, she said, "Hot Chocolate, with cream and marshmallows, and a toasted crumpet!"

This was a real Ninja of a virus! It hit hard and fast, without warning and was gone within eighteen hours! Little Miss had two further doses of Paracetamol last night and slept like a log. She has had one further dose this morning, as a precaution, but feels so much better and is practically back to normal. A result which is pretty much in line with the rune she had drawn the day before, URUZ!

She has drawn a rune for today, and that post will follow shortly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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