Cards of the Day - A Pivotal Spread
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Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti |
You may know of this spread by another name, which is fine, but for me, the position in which these cards presented themselves, gives a clear progression towards, and away from a definitive Pivotal Point.
In this spread, the Pivotal Point is all the more significant due to the presence of two cards from the Major Arcana.
The spread contains ten cards and is read from left to right. Think of it as either a time-line, a journey from A-B or even a hill or mountain encountered along your path.
I prefer to use the latter analogy. Life is a journey, sometimes level, but often full of many hills and valleys, all of which we navigate to the best of our ability. When faced with a hill, our aim is to get over it and safely down the other side.
Although at first glance, this may look like a negative spread with all those reversed cards and Death making an appearance, but as you will see, looks can be deceptive. This turned out to be a very positive reading indeed.
With this spread, the cards on the left represent the start of the climb, with each card representing a lesson to be learned, any obstructions to overcome, or something to help you along the way.
At the top, we have the two pivotal cards. These represent the point at which Past, Present and Future are laid open for you to see. Just like the view from the top of a hill/mountain, you can see where you have come from, where you are now and where you would like to go.
As expected, the cards on the right indicate the path ahead and possible outcomes, but don't expect it to be a quicker, smoother journey on the way down, there may be lessons to be learned here too.
In overview, this spread would appear to revolve around the areas of career, finances, intellect and creativity, represented by Wands, Swords and Pentacles. However, there is a significant bias towards the area relating to action, initiative, inspiration and career, due to the presence of four cards from the suit of Wands.
The areas of intellect, challenges and animosity, together with those of finance, property and material gain are equally represented by the presence of two Sword cards and two Pentacle cards, respectively.
This spread starts with the Nine of Wands and is your starting point. It is the only card on this side to present in its normal aspect, which is encouraging.You may feel that you have nothing left in the tank at this time, that all your energy has been spent and that you have nothing left to give. But that's not true ... just take a break for a moment and re-assess. You have within you a hidden reserve, all you need to do is look. This is a card of encouragement, you are much closer to the end result than you think. Even though you will face delays and challenges, this card suggests that you dig deep and keep going.
With the next three cards, also from the Minor Arcana, presenting in their reversed positions, indicates delays and obstructions which must be dealt with before you try to move on.
The Ace of Swords adds strength and support the message relayed by the first card, by advising that you may need to draw deeply from your inner reserves and by doing so, indicates that success and victory will come at your own hands.
Continued support also come from the Ace of Wands. A time for new ideas to come to the for. There is a sense of excitement, energy and drive. Its reversed aspect warns against letting that energy run riot, control is the key or disruption may ensue.
The next card the Three of Swords appears to indicate where that disruption may occur. There may be stormy moments ahead and some familial upheaval, but this too shall pass as indicated by our next card.
The Star, sits auspiciously in the first of our Pivotal positions. Even when presented in reverse, as she is here, she is a welcome sight to any reading. She is an optimistic card and holds promises of good times ahead and encourages self belief, which has, so far, been the main thread of this reading.
The second Pivotal position is occupied by Death and represents a time of change. Now would be a good time cast off items from the past that may be holding us back and make way for the start of all the new and exciting times that are ahead.
Having reached the Pivotal Points and considered the inter-relationships between the cards this far, we can now start our downward or onward path. Interestingly, all of the following cards presented in their normal positions, indicating a relatively smooth and successful transition as we move forward.
The Six of Wands is the bearer of great news. It also indicates that all your hard work and achievement will be recognised by others and success may be assured. But amidst all the success and plaudits coming your way, make sure you remember the driving factors.
With the Two of Pentacles, there is a danger that you may find it hard to keep a tight rein on that work/life balance, possibly as a result of all that success! But with a bit of careful planning and the help of those around you, it can be done.
The Knight of Wands is our penultimate card. It can often signify a change of residence or a journey. Perhaps now is a good time to take a well earned break. See some of the World, who knows, you may end up emigrating!
Our final card is the Eight of Pentacles and can often indicate that existing talents could be put to good use, possibly for financial gain. Perhaps you need to gain a qualification to do so, or career opportunity arises that will allow you to do what you love and get paid. Strike whilst the irons hot, you are on a roll!
Over the next few days, I shall show each card individually and talk about each in greater depth.
If you have any questions, please ask; and you made it this far, thank you for reading.
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