A Three Rune Layout - Part 1

Good Morning all!

Initially, we were just going to offer you the usual single rune draw, where upon ING made its second appearance in ten days.

Having already discussed ING's properties in full last week, we decided to go ahead and draw a further two runes and carry out a reading using the Three Rune Layout.

Probably just as well, considering the next runes have also been discussed during the course of this last week.

In general, the Three Rune Layout is used to determine what is happening in the here and now, and how best to deal with it. It is not considered to be used as a long term forecast.

Here at the Cauldron, we use one of two ways to interpret the three runes.

The first and quickest, is best used as a quick guide when a simple 'YES' or 'NO' answer is sought. "Should I change my job?"  "Is my current relationship right for me?" etc. etc. If this is the case, the three runes chosen would be turned face up at the same time. If they are all positive, then the answer is a definite 'YES", likewise if all negative, the answer is a definite "NO."

However, you are more likely to get a mixture, in which case, the predominant runes will generally indicate a positive or negative response, it then becomes necessary to interpret the remaining rune carefully for any information to indicate where any difficulties may impact on the overall answer.

In Part 2, I will discuss the second type of reading and generally interpret the runes drawn by Little Miss, before looking and interpreting them from her perspective.

Hope you can join us.


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