Meet Ariana ...

As the saying goes, "One man's rubbish, is another man's treasure," and that is certainly true of our little blog guest today ...
Meet Ariana, our resident Fairy.
Such a pretty little thing, who had sadly been cast aside, and ignored due to the loss of a wing.
Unable to leave her to the fate of the local recycling depot, Little Miss invited her to stay with us, and promised her a 'Forever Home.'
Last summer, Ariana decided to take up a watchful position overlooking the pond, where she could sit quite contentedly amidst the Herb Roberts, keeping an eye on the fish and other pond residents whilst basking in the warmth of the summer sun.
Little Miss thinks that poor Ariana is due for a little pamper session. I'm inclined to agree. Time to make good on our other promises by fixing that broken wing, exfoliating the flaking paint and applying just a touch of sympathetic colour, here and there.
Broken wing or not, I think our little Ariana makes a wonderful addition to our garden, adding just a touch of magic, where ever she sits. (Although, her favourite spot is still by the pond, and I can't say I blame her!)
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