Cards of the Day ... Part Two!

The King of Swords:
This may represent a man or an authoritative figure, a Judge, Police Officer, Solicitor etc. Someone with a plethora of knowledge, a razor sharp mind and articulate of speech. This person tends not to give too much of his personal life/or thoughts away and prefers to concentrate on the situation before him.
It can also indicate that you are about to be judged.
This card also indicates that, by employing a rational approach to situations, you have the ability to take charge of your life and make things happen for you. In other words, don't be afraid to seize new opportunities as they present themselves, otherwise you could find yourself and your future controlled by others.
The Three of Cups:
Generally, this card represents a time of celebration, usually with family of friends, a time of abundance through achievement and emotional happiness. Whether you receive news of a birth, engagement, wedding or just the conclusion to a certain matter, this cards indicates a time to celebrate.
The Ten of Pentacles:
This card tends to revolve around the areas of family and financial stability and may refer to the sale of the family home. It also indicates material material possessions being passed down through the generations, so perhaps now is a good time to make sure that all your finacial affairs are in order. Make that Will, sort out any legal paperwork, trust funds, insurance policies etc.
Given the support provided by the other cards in this spread, there is a possibility of some form of financial windfall or monetary gain ... whether this comes in the form of inheritance or from finally reaping the rewards of your own hard work, remains to be seen.
In conclusion, this card gives a sense of feeling satisfied, settled and secure with one's life, at the moment.
The King of Pentacles:
This card represents someone who is hardworking and down to earth, someone who is not afraid to stick around when the going gets tough! So for this spread, I suppose the message is "Don't Give up!"
Follow things through to their conclusion, work hard and you will reap the rewards.
This card is indicative of those who work with land or property, farmers, developers, tradesmen etc, people not afraid to get down to the job and see it through. They tend to be people that are generous but not frivolous with money, they like value for money and will act accordingly.
The Two of Swords:
Of all the cards that presented themselves this morning, this is the one that, on first glance, gave me cause for concern, mainly due to its position at the end of the spread. However, on closer inspection and reading the spread as a whole, I can understand why.
This card represent a stagnant situation that may have been going on for some time. There is a decision to be made, but for whatever reason, be it financial or emotional, you have not been able to move one way or another as your judgement may be clouded by confusion.
And yet, a decision must be made if all that has been hinted at in the supporting cards, is to see the light of day. No good will come from making like an Ostrich and sticking your head in the sand, it's time to take a long close look inside yourself, as that is where the answer lies. Look at the problem from a different angle, write down all possible scenarios. Decide which are your ideal solutions, which ones are not ideal, but that you could live with and finally, which ones are total 'non-starters.'
In Conclusion:
The underlying message of these cards, would appear to indicate a time of celebration, success and financial security, but only if you take charge of your destiny and have some say in how your future develops. Having some say, is better than having no say at all.
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