Daily Rune - ANSUZ

Good morning all, and welcome back, for those who have already read this mornings first post, 'Apologies ...'

This is the rune that Little Miss has drawn for today, now that she's feeling so much better!

You would be right in thinking that this rune, ANSUZ, is having a second airing, but by way of explanation, the runes are obviously picking up on the vibes being carried by Little Miss at the moment.

In addition to this draw, I have drawn three runes for my own reading, which I will willingly share with you later today.

But for now, here is Information on today's selection, especially for those visiting for the first time.

Today's rune is ANSUZ meaning 'mouth' and is quite an easy one to learn due to it sounding like 'answers' when spoken.

It is, in fact, the rune of the spoken word, accepting advice and gaining of knowledge or wisdom.

Depending on supporting runes, the presence of ANSUZ often represents the need for careful consideration of all the facts available to you.
It councils for the need to seek out information from those more knowledgeable than your self. Listen well and take heed.This knowledge will be given freely, with no malice and will often give you the honest, unbiased opinion that you need to hear, at this moment in time.

It can be a welcome rune to draw if you are facing some sort of knowledge based test, exam or even an interview as it indicates your ability to achieve a positive result.

Reversed: This aspect of ANSUZ advises against following you current path without seeking the council of other, more knowledgeable people. there are people around you who are more interested in their own gains, be careful with what they tell you and always seek a second opinion.

It may also indicate that someone is trying to hold you back, again for their own selfish means.

ANSUZ in reverse may also indicate your inflexibility to learn from the lessons life keeps throwing at you. Are you making the same mistakes over and over? Time to take stock of your life, sit back and re-assess just exactly what it is you want to achieve. Seek out help/advise and you may well break the negative cycle, enabling you to move forward.


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