Cards of the Day ... Part One!

Today, I had every intention of selecting a card from the deck to share with you, however it looks like the Universe had other ideas.

Now, bearing in mind that I have been handling Tarot Decks of all shapes and sizes for many a year, I think I'm pretty good at the old shuffling malarkey. I may not be up to the card shark standards of the gaming tables at Casinos, but I can handle a deck, especially if it's my own, well used one.

It doesn't happen often, but occasionally a card will present itself by falling out of the deck as I'm shuffling. I, like many of my peers, generally think of this as the Universe giving a 'little extra' information, so I'm always ready to see what it has to say and what possible bearing it may have on the reading that follows ... BUT when five fall out, together, in a pile ... then I'm inclined to think the Universe has an important message for someone.

The cards in question are the ones in the image above. I have placed them in the exact order in which they landed, with the King of Swords at the bottom of the small pile taking the first position, followed by the Three of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, King of Pentacles and finally, the Two of Swords, which had landed on the top of the pile.

First Impressions : Taking the cards as a whole, we have three of the four suits represented and appears to be fairly well balanced, with two Swords, Two Pentacles and a single card to represent Cups. All of the cards landed in their upright positions, which is usually a positive sign.

Swords, representing the element of Air, indicating a need for a clear, clean, logical, authoritative and decisive approach to all matters;

Pentacles, representing the element of Earth, giving us a stabilising influence. It represents our physical self, our daily needs, our work and material aspects of our lives;

And finally, Cups representing the element of Water, which deals with emotional issues, usually in regard to relationships and love. It is classed as a very feminine and nurturing element.

So far, so good. Overall, this looks to be a positive reading. For a more in depth look at the individual cards, please read Cards of the Day ... Part Two!


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