Card of the Day - The Chariot

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti
As you can see, the card for today is the Chariot reversed, but before we can delve into the constraints implied by its reversed position, we should perhaps take a moment to appreciate what this card could signify in its upright position.

Generally,wherever this card falls within a spread, it is often seen as a card that depicts triumph of some description, but one that has been worked for and earned.

There may be many distractions along the way to success, and much depends on your ability to maintain focus both on the job at hand and the end game.

Choices are inevitable, so do your homework properly before jumping one way or the other, especially if emotions are playing their part.

Reversed: This would indicate that the success you are expecting or hoping for is likely to be delayed, possibly down to your being distracted or not reading the small print as you should, or perhaps there is an external influence holding you back, someone or something over which you have no control that is causing the delays. Other cards in the spread may cast light on the reason.

But do not despair, success is available to you ... it's just been delayed. Consider carefully, if there are any actions you can take to change this.


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