Our Homemade Rune Set

There are many, many beautiful runes sets that can be purchased via the Internet, craft fairs and bricks and mortar specialist shops.

I have been tempted by some beautiful crystal varieties on many occasion but have always held back. I prefer to make my own.

The set that Little Miss and I use personally, and for this blog, are home-made from air drying clay.

I wanted to create a set that could initially be used as a teaching aid for Little Miss, and then, hopefully claim as her own 'Life Set,' should she so wish.

There is something so organic and magical in the process of making your own runes. There is a natural sense of connection brought about by physically working the clay with your own hands, that I have never felt with the off the shelf variety, beautiful as they may be.

I truly believe that, by both of us working the clay that formed our runes, we have each infused our own essence into the clay, resulting in a deeper connection to the resultant runes. They work well for both of us and we have grown to love the feel of them.

When the clay discs were dry, we chose to paint them midnight blue to match the pouch. They were then inscribed with silver, cleansed and dedicated under the power of the last full moon.

If you have ever thought about making your own runes, I would urge you to do so.

We love ours.


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