Card of the day - Ten of Pentacles

Gilded Tarot Deck by Ciro Marchetti
Well, would you believe it? Making a solo guest appearance this time, is the Ten of Pentacles.

This is the second time this week,  and as such, I'm inclined to think that its presence today, it is seeking to strengthen or support the message it relayed earlier.

In short, return of this card so quickly on the heals of its last appearance lends more weight to the sense of feeling satisfied, settled and secure with your life, at the moment.

Just to remind you, this card tends to revolve around the areas of family and financial stability and may refer to the sale of the family home.

It also indicates material material possessions being passed down through the generations, so perhaps now is a good time to make sure that all your financial affairs are in order. Make that Will, sort out any legal paperwork, trust funds, insurance policies etc.

And, watch out for any sudden, unexpected monetary windfalls! Perhaps a forgotten investment reaches maturity?


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