Intuition - Inherent to all ... or a gift to the few?

Intuition: The ability to understand or to know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.
We all have it and from the moment we are born, we demonstrate it, but it's not just a human gift.
The young from all species have an inherent instinct to survive, whether that instinct tells the newborn to stand as quickly as possible, head for the sea or simply search out its mothers breast. This inherent intuition will never leave them. In the animal Kingdom, listening and responding to their 'Gut Instincts,' could mean the difference between life and death.
Sadly, today's fast paced modern society appears to have adversely affected our own ability to tap into, understand or react appropriately to the messages our 'Intuition' may be sending. Sure, most people will experience that 'Gut Feeling' at some point. That little voice that tells them something is not a 'Good Idea!'
Some may stop and reassess their situation, whist others plunge on regardless and pay the price.
There are still a few who are able to access this side of their nature and it's not always to satisfy the 'Flight or Fight' syndrome. To some of us, myself included, our ability to access our intuition is second nature, it's just there and can lead to some wonderfully fulfilling discoveries.
For example, as a student nurse, one of our placements included a rotation on the Maternity unit. During my time there I was present at many births. One of the jobs usually given to any student nurses was to make a note of the time that the babies shoulder was presented, as this was taken as the time of birth.
Whilst other students were noting this down on bits of paper or their aprons, ready to be transferred to the 'Pink' or 'Blue' record cards when the gender was confirmed visually; I was always writing directly on the appropriate card, before the gender was confirmed.
Yes, you guessed it 'Pink' for a girl and 'Blue' for a boy.
One midwife told me not to write on the cards in case I was wrong, at which point another midwife pointed out that I was 10 for 10 so far!
When asked how I knew, all I could say was 'Intuition.'
On another occasion, a few years prior to my nurse training, I bumped into an old school friend. We hadn't seen each other since we were thirteen. She was quite obviously expecting and during our greeting, I asked when her little girl was due. Mum-to-be was a bit shocked, as she had only just found out the gender herself that day, and wanted to know how I could possibly know? Once again, 'Intuition.'
Even when expecting my own child, I knew from the fourth week, that we would be having a girl, and before week twelve, we had her names locked down ... once again, 'Intuition.'
There are so many instances where my intuition has been called unconsciously into play in this way, but they will have to wait for another day.
The point is, I'm no different to you or anyone else. We all had access to the same intuitive guides when we were born, but due to constraints of modern living and the stresses they impose, many have just stopped listening.
They no longer have the time to 'Just Be!'
It is this intuition that enables me to decipher the runes and tarot successfully for others. Yet if I ignored it, failed to nurture it and give it time to grow, it would no doubt fade. To what extent, I cannot say, but I'm not about to let that happen.
Are you?
Blessings to all,
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