Rune Results - 19th May

Here are the results of this mornings draw.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on the daily runes, especially Little Miss.
So, if you get chance or feel inclined to share your thoughts, please leave a comment either here, on the blog or on our Facebook page Willow's Cauldron.
Rune A :
If you have been experiencing a low period recently, the presence of DAEG often indicates that things are about to get better.
In itself, DAEG has no negative aspects, and is often associated with increase and growth, suggesting a time of prosperity lies ahead. It can often refer to a major change in your life, often relating to a fresh start of some description, but be prepared for this change to come out of the blue.
Normally, DAEG looks like a bow-tie or butterfly, however, today it presented itself in the form of an egg-timer, which would imply that time is playing a big part in the events surrounding you, at the moment. Whether this means that time is running out for a particular project, or time is dragging its heels, is for you to decide, although a more in depth cast may provide you with answers relating to the when,where, why and how of the matter.
Even without the 'egg-timer' effect, DAEG suggests that the growth indicated, will be a slow and steady one, so don't expect overnight success. Either way, the results will be worth the extra time, care and effort taken, to achieve the end goal, because you have the ability and inner strength to turn situations to your advantage.
Your attitude or frame of mind, will go a long way to shaping your desired outcome. Think positive and you will attract positive things and results. Hold a negative outlook, and that could be the reason you are beset by problems and obstacles in the first place.
Rune B :
WYRD, there is a sense of 'What will be, will be' which may be good or bad, a more in depth cast would help to determine which. It is technically an non-rune, possessing no markings. It is like looking into a void for answers that we cannot see, as though the future has yet to be determined. Often this future will be determined by forces beyond your control, perhaps at the hands of an official figure.
Time to assess your actions and trust that Karma will not find you wanting.
Rune C :
HAGALL often appears when you are considering taking a risk of some sort and often represents forces beyond your control. Your future lies in the hands of another, often someone in authority, someone who has no personal or emotional ties to you. (Solicitor, Doctor, Bank Manager etc.)
Unexpected gains and surprises are a possibility, although if they should take the form of a new venture or enterprise, HAGALL strongly suggests that now is not the time to take them on, sometimes, delays prove beneficial in the long run.
So ... IF you happen to win the lottery, for instance, don't rush out to spend it all at once. Sit back, take time to consider your options and seek independent, impartial advise, before starting any new ventures.
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