Rune Results - 18th May

Rune A : 

LAGAZ, the epitome of  Female Intuition, deals with the area of intuitive knowledge. As the principal female rune, LAGAZ may represent the person for whom the cast has been made, if female of course.

If the querent is male, it may represent the influence of a respected female within his circle.

With this rune, you are being encouraged to listen to your intuition closely. Seek out all available knowledge so that you may make an informed decision and bring the situation at hand to an acceptable conclusion.

LAGAZ is also the rune associated with psychic energy and ability. Even those who would not consider themselves to possess such gifts, may find that for some unknown reason, they are compelled to take a different route to the one they would normally follow.

Basically, listen to your gut - if something feels wrong, then it probably is.

Rune B :

KENAZ represents the warm, friendly aspect of fire, the comfort of hearth and home if you like. It signifies the importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the face of any current difficulties or obstructive forces that may be present at the moment, or about to encounter as these are likely to be manageable in nature and not cause you too much inconvenience.

It signals a time where good things are about to enter your life. Creativity abounds and any new projects started at this time will bring joy and a sense of well-being.

There is also a hint of romance in the air.

Rune C :
URUZ when reversed, often indicates that your may be about to, or have already failed to grasp and take advantage of situations that could have been to your advantage. It can also indicate dramatic changes about to take place, and chances are, they may not be changes that you will like.

Perhaps you are suffering from a lack of motivation or low self esteem, which has allowed someone you perceive to be 'better than you' apply their influence over your destiny?

URUZ advises to take care of any potential heath issues promptly, to avoid becoming run down and unable to function at your best, or slipping further into lack of motivation or self-esteem, thus entering a vicious cycle.

Not happy with your current situation? Want to make changes for the better, but not sure how? Then a time of reflection may be the order of the day.

Many of the answers you seek, can be found from within. Take the time to look with honesty at the actions you have taken and where they have lead you. Ask yourself if you would you have done anything different? What changes can you make now, to get yourself back on a more even keel?




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