Which Did You Choose - 10th May

Good Afternoon, gentlefolks! Welcome back.

Well, which one did you choose?

Rune A :

ANSUZ is the rune of the spoken word, accepting advice and gaining of knowledge or wisdom, often representing the need for careful consideration of all the facts available to you.
It councils for the need to seek out information from those more knowledgeable than your self. Listen well and take heed.This knowledge will be given freely, with no malice and will often give you the honest, unbiased opinion that you need to hear, at this moment in time.

It can be a welcome rune to draw if you are facing some sort of knowledge based test, exam or even an interview as it indicates your ability to achieve a positive result.

Rune B : BEORC  represents 'Hearth and Home' a place where your true heart lies, not necessarily where you are living now. It is a fertility rune and often represents your mother or children.

There may be news of a happy event on the horizon in the form of a Birth, Marriage, Engagement etc or even just the formation of an idea or opportunity that will bring you happiness. What ever new beginning this rune foretells for you, now is a good time to implement any new projects that have been sitting on the back burner.

Rune C : WUNJO  is a very positive rune and indicates that joy and happiness are about to enter your life. If you have been experiencing any worries recently, WUNJO would indicate that the Wheel of Fate has started to turn towards a more positive aspect for you.

It can indicate that news of a positive nature is about to make itself known. A project shared with another (probably the object of your affection) is likely to result in a happy ending.

Not looking for romance at the moment? WUNJO also relates to the fields of Arts and Crafts so perhaps you find yourself taking pride in any such projects you are currently working on.


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