Serendipity Strikes!
Hello everyone!
Serendipity: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
The story so far:
A few weeks ago, I introduced you to our one winged fairy, Ariana. Destined for the rubbish tip, but spotted and subsequently adopted by Little Miss, Ariana was found in the over grown garden of a property we were doing up, ready for the rental market. Since July, last year, she has since taken up residence, amidst the Herb Roberts, overlooking the pond in our garden.
When I first introduced her, we had decided it was time for her to have a well deserved make over, by giving her a good old wash, exfoliation of the flaking paint, re-painting in sympathetic colours and somehow, replacing that missing wing.
The only way I could think of to do that, was to create a replacement out of clay, using the existing wing as a template, and then glue it in place before painting.
Strange how things turn out.
At the time of writing and posting that blog, we were never expecting to return to the property again, at least not in the near future. However, within the last few weeks, events unfolded, and once again we found ourselves back where we had found her.
And that's when serendipity struck!
Lying in plain sight, on the newly mown lawn, was Ariana's missing wing!

Yet, here it was, just nine months later, as plain as the nose on my face!
Perhaps you'll think me daft to suggest this, but I'm convinced that the Powers that Be went out of their way to ensure she got her own wing back, once we'd voiced our intention to fix it. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the Fairies at the bottom of the garden?
Serendipitous indeed, don't you think?
When was the last time you experienced serendipity?
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