Bound by the Glitch Witch!

Good Morning everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently, but the 'Glitch Witch' managed to bind me to silence over the last few days.

Nothing serious, but I don't exactly have a good track record when it comes to Technology, as my husband will confirm ...

He's quite prepared to tell everyone about the 4 televisions (TV's) he says I have "'fluenced," into going up in smoke!

I maintain that it's only three and that I never touched them, other than to turn them on, but what else am I supposed to do?

My nearest and dearest is a hoarder, especially of tech. The charity shops near us will not take any electrical goods, unless the have all the safety certificates. So, as other people have upgraded their TV sets, they have 'quite kindly' offered them to my other half because they know he likes tech!

The televisions in question were the old cathode ray tube variety, big and cumbersome and taking up far too much room. We have upgraded to a flat screen, but he refuses to take the others down to the dump, as they are/were still working.

At one stage we had a grand total of nine television sets all working, and gathering dust! Ranging in age from about 40 years plus, to the flat screens of today.

Of the remaining televisions, we have two portables, (one of which only shows black and white images - this is the oldest one remaining!) two great big cathode ray beasts and two flat screens.

One of the big TV's is dead, and still not made it to the tip. The other is waiting patiently, ready to take its place. The portables are in storage, and the two flat screens are the only ones in regular use, and one of those is getting ready to fail ...

But when the 'Glitch Witch' calls and takes out my laptop, just because I wanted to play a dvd, my other half's affair with all things technical is a blessing. I just had the tech over and 'Hey Presto!' he works his magic, and I'm back up and running again in next to no time.

Normal service shall be resumed, as soon as possible.

Blessings to one and all,



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