Turmeric Paste ... A Personal Experience.

Just mixed up a batch of Turmeric Paste (aka Golden Paste), ready to start taking it again following a six week break from my daily doses.

I started taking a daily dose about eight months ago, following a prolonged period of emotional and physical exhaustion, during which time, my immune system hit an all time low.

The symptoms of my depleted immune system included, insomnia, weight gain and inability to lose it, the usual colds and flu's were not easy to shake off, and patchy hair loss or Alopecia Areata 

Having heard plenty of positive things about the benefits of taking Turmeric on a daily basis, I followed the recipe created by Doug English His website should give you all the information you require to make an informed decision on your suitability to take this paste.

On a personal level, I swear by it and feel that it has done me the world of good.

My ability to shake off common colds and flu-like symptoms has reached a more acceptable level. Whereas it would take me a good 12 weeks or more to recover, it now only takes 7-10 days.

The hair loss took many months to recover, but recover it did, and for several weeks I had a full head of hair again, even if I did gain some rather fine silver/white circular strands where the patches once were. However, since I have stopped taking the paste, other patches have appeared in different areas, which would indicate that my immune system still needs some bolstering, hence the fresh batch of paste made today!

Sorry, but I can't say that it has had any effect on reducing my weight gain, so no miracle cure here I'm afraid ...

Happy reading,



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