Three Rune Cast

OTHEL falls in the first position, which represents current situations or the problem at hand.
Ordinarily, OTHEL represents possessions in the form of what money can buy, in particular land or property; but if money is represented it would be in the form of an inheritance, trust fund or pension. It can also signify, movement or changes, often sudden, yet not unexpected.
When OTHEL is paired with SIGEL, as it is here, it suggests the querent is a hard worker and someone who can stand on their own two feet. Someone who is
prepared to put in the hours to reach their goals. But their pairing also warns
that the querent's ‘Work-a-holic’ tendencies are starting to take a significant toll and that they are in serious need of some rest and relaxation!
However, here OTHEL appears in a reversed aspect in the
first position, and is an indication of the querent's main concern. It indicates that the querent may be experiencing delays and
frustrations, possibly through trying to push things along too fast, or a lack
of funds may be holding them back.
Whether the problem is work or relationship related, when
OTHEL appears in its reversed aspect, it warns that by continuing to push on in
haste could have a permanently adverse effect on the situation or relationship, whichever is their current focus point.
There is a positive side to OTHEL’s reversed aspect, if
accompanied by other more positive runes, as it is here, it indicates that the desired results are still achievable, albeit at a much slower pace than the querent
would like.
EHWAZ falls in the position of action and in its positive
aspect. It is a rune that represents change; often for the better and usually
one that has been anticipated. The change will probably involve physical
movement of some kind, often sudden and may refer to a change in residence or
Travel overland is also indicated.
By falling in the position of action, EHWAZ suggests that
whatever course the querent is currently employing to sort the situation out, is
probably the best one, and a successful outcome is within reach.
With SIGEL situated in the possible outcome position, success is
virtually assured. It is a rune of great power. Much of this power will be
available to the querent now, enabling them to make the changes needed. The ability
to sweep any opposition out of the way, swiftly, is theirs for the taking, giving them the time needed to relax
and recharge.
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