Rune Results - 20th May

Here are the results from this mornings draw.
Please Note : There will be no draw tomorrow as Little Miss and I are having a Tech Free Day, as we need to re-charge our batteries, but we will be back on Monday.
Rune A :
THURISAZ has the appearance of a bramble or rose thorn and has many associations with protection and luck. It implies that whatever your current run of luck has been of late, it is about to change, but advises against being so self-assured that you plunge headlong into situations, without first considering ALL the implications.
It may prove wise to consult someone with more appropriate and impartial knowledge, than you. Postpone events if necessary, until you are in possession of all known facts. This way you can make an informed decision and avoid becoming so complacent that you begin to expect everything to fall into your lap.
Don't forget that the Wheel of Fortune is ever turning. We must all take a turn at the top and the bottom at some point.
Rune B :
PERDHRO is best known as the Rune of Mystery, dealing with all things hidden, secrets and occult abilities.
When in its Normal position, it usually foretells of something that has been hidden or thought to have been lost, finding its way out into the light again, usually in a positive way; or even a secret being disclosed, perhaps one that you have tried very hard to keep it hidden, be it for yourself or on another's behalf. Perhaps, it is one that has been kept from you, with the best of intentions.
As the old adage goes, "The truth will out!"
However, when it is Reversed, as it is here, it can indicates that events or plans may not turn out as expected. Be wary of any Skeletons hidden in cupboards, as this Rune reversed suggests they are about to be discovered. You may find yourself disappointed in a close friend and be careful when it comes to financial matters. "Neither a lender or borrower be!"
Rune C :
URUZ indicates a time of change, one that is often natural and unavoidable, nor should you try to avoid it. In order for growth, progress or new beginnings to occur, it is often necessary to remove that which we no longer need. Is it time for you to de-clutter any areas of your life? Is something from your past holding you back, or is it you doing the clinging?
Whatever the answer, URUZ suggests that by looking within yourself, you will find the inner strength and stamina that you need to see these changes through.
URUZ is often associated with strength and virility, good health and strong powers of natural resistance to common ailments, often resulting in a quick recovery.
In areas of business and career, the presence of URUZ can indicate the possible chance of promotion, new job etc, but only after you have put in the hard yards and been careful with the resources at hand.
In short, URUZ often indicates good fortune and success.
Blessing to one and all, enjoy your weekend ... See you on Monday!
Willow and Little Miss
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