Three Rune Cast - 9th May

I have a cast of contradictions for you this morning.

At first glance, the combination of these three runes indicates that there is a time of surprises and unexpected gains on the near horizon, which sounds great.

Now, I'm not prone to looking the proverbial 'gift horse in the mouth', but on this occasion, I'd be inclined to question the motives for such generosity, as it is likely to be obtained at the hands of another, rather than a reward for your own efforts.

Position 1 : The Situation at Hand.

PERDHRO is the rune of mystery. It often relates to objects or secrets that have either been lost or hidden coming to light, usually in a good way. Perhaps you are the recipient of some unexpected financial gains from an outside source. It may be so unexpected, that you are questioning its validity in addition to any possible catches.

Position 2 : Action

THURISAZ has the appearance of a bramble or rose thorn and has many associations with protection and luck. It implies that whatever your current run of luck has been of late, it is about to change. Based on the accompanying runes, this will probably be for the better, although delays are likely and could prove to be prudent.

THURISAZ advises against being so self-assured that you plunge headlong into situations without first considering ALL the implications. It may prove wise to consult someone with more appropriate and impartial knowledge, than you. Postpone events if necessary, until you are in possession of all known facts. This way you can make an informed decision.

Position 3 : Potential Outcome

HAGALL often appears when you are considering taking a risk of some sort and often represents forces beyond your control. Your future lies in the hands of another, often someone in authority, someone who has no personal or emotional ties to you. (Solicitor, Doctor, Bank Manager etc.)

Despite being accompanied by PERDHRO, indicating unexpected gains and surprises are a possibility, HAGALL strongly suggests that now is not the time to start any new ventures. Sometimes, delays can work out for the best.

So ... IF you happen to win the lottery, for instance, don't rush out to spend it all at once. Sit back, take time to consider your options and seek independent, impartial advise, before starting any new ventures.


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