
Showing posts from 2018

Hand finished and ready to go...

Well, in addition to the bracelets, you've already had a peak at, we've added these two hand finished boxes. The one on the left is partitioned into nine areas, perfect for keeping crystals colour co-ordinated etc, whilst the base of the mini chest is also lined to match the lid, ideal for keeping your Tarot cards, Runes etc safe. Looks like we're going to have made enough craft items for sale at the school's Christmas Fair, this year, as more boxes are in the process of being finished. That said, I have a feeling these two may be snapped up well before then!

Tag Lines ... Moon cleansed, Goddess blessed ...

Good Morning all! With the start of the new school year just over 24 hours away, for us anyway, our thoughts have already turned towards the usual fund raising events that we know are heading our way, in particular, the Christmas Fayre. Given that we have had a creative and productive summer, Little Miss and I may just venture into holding a stall at this years event, providing we have enough of our hand made products left to sell, of course. And so, on to the marketing of such products.

Sneaky Peak ...

Good Morning, everyone!   We thought you might like a sneaky peak at some of the things we've  been up to, during the last week of the holidays. More details on each bracelet in a later post.    Blessings from Willow & Little Miss.

Last week of the summer holidays...

It's the last week of the school summer holidays for Little Miss, so we're taking some time out to do some "Together" things. Normal service will be resumed next week.

Three Rune Cast

Good Morning, everyone! How are you all today? Once again, I can only apologise for yesterday evening's failed reveal. The results are now posted, so if you weren't around in the wee small hours this morning, why not take a look now. Nothing to choose from today, but something for you to ponder. Here is a general Three Rune Cast. Considering that when we draw these Runes, rather than asking a direct question for ourselves, we ask the general question, "What does the Universe have to say today?" Based on this cast, I can't help but draw comparisons to the current political situation going on around us, at the moment. What do you think?

What will your choice reveal?

Good morning, everyone.  Apologies for delayed results, we had a technical hiccup. Namely me getting a day ahead of myself and putting the wrong date into the schedule.   Are you ready to see what your choice of rune had in store for you, from yesterday's choice?  

Your Choices for Today ... A, B or C

Good morning everyone! The weekend is almost here! What are your plans? We had a little "spur of the moment," road trip, yesterday, and bagged a couple of amazing bargains as a result. They just need a little TLC and a tidy up, before we share, but here's a clue ... it involves cast iron! Guess what we're doing this weekend?  So what have the Runes got in store for you, today?

The Finale ...

It's been a very busy few days, here at the cauldron! Every time I tried to sit down to write this post, someone or something sought my attention. "Best laid plans..." and all that. Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow. Carrying on from my last post, today I will shed some light onto the Ground, or casting cloth. Once again, I have included the same images for comparison. First, I should point out, that I created this Ground, in order for Little Miss to understand how to read the Runes that are cast. The difference between a Ground and a Casting cloth, simply refers to the fact that a specific set of Runes has been "Grounded" to a specific Casting cloth.

So ... which did you choose?

Good evening everyone! Hope you've all had a good day? So ... which Rune were you drawn to this morning, A, B or C?

Pick your own ... Just for fun

Little Miss thinks that a spot of light relief is in order, following on from my last post. I think she could be right! I'm glad I chose to break the topic down, or I really would have been putting "War and Peace" in the shade on the wordage front! So ... with that in mind, and for a bit of fun, I thought I'd let you choose your own Rune of the Day and see how you go.

Seconds away! Part two ...

Good Morning everyone! I hope you found something of interest in my last post, and welcome back to those tuning in for part two. At the end of yesterday's post, I asked if you could see the similarities and differences between the two casts. So what better place to start today's post, than with some general comparisons. I have included the images again, for reference.

Something a little different ...

Good Morning everyone! I thought you might like something a little different this morning. Below are a couple of Rune Casts taken from a session held last year. Same sitter, same session. Images were taken at the time, and are being used with the Sitter's permission. I thought it would be a nice idea for you to see how I decoded a reading. Obviously, this post would read like War and Peace, if I were to do it in one sitting, so I propose to take a different aspect each day, and cover it in detail.

Today's Rune - URUZ

Good Morning everyone! We have another busy day at the Cauldron, with Little Miss having not one, but two house guests to visit this afternoon. Plus plenty going on on the adult front as well. We're currently looking into some new crafting methods and ideas, the results of which we will share in due course. So, what does today's Rune, URUZ, have in store?
Love this meme quote, just added the line at the bottom and my own image.

Today's Rune - RAIDHO

Good Morning everyone, We had heavy rain last night, and it sounded wonderful. Just need a little bit more to kick start the grass growing again for the livestock, ans all will be as it should be. This mornings offering is RAIDHO, the rune of movement. It often signifies a journey of some sort, usually for pleasure and generally indicates one taken with friends or a group of happy individuals. Depending on how it is positioned, and other runes in the cast, it may also indicate a journey of an emotional or spiritual nature.

So, this is me ... in a nutshell!

I am a Witch, I work on my own. I don't need a Coven for the magic I hone. With generations behind me, and more yet to come, I follow the Goddess; Maid, Mother and Crone. To work with the seasons as they ebb and flow, I honour the Gods of both sunshine and snow. My craft is a lifestyle, as these pages will tell, have I caught your attention, are you under my spell? Hedge Witch & mother, a healer of sorts. Collector of crystals and curious thoughts. Share your ideas, your questions please ask, I'm sure that together, we're up to the task, of sounding out problems and guiding the way, through the emotional mind field, of living today. Park up your broomstick and grab a fresh brew, that's enough about me, so it's over to you!

I'm Having a Re-vamp!

UPDATE: I'm giving this one a trial run. It would be nice to know what our regular readers feel about it. Any input will be welcome. Good Morning one and all! Taking my cue from some of the most recent Runes drawn this last week, I've decided to give the Cauldron's blog page a new look and hopefully an new feel. One that will make it easier on the eye, encouraging more people to follow, read, share, comment and join in. Please bear with me, whilst I make these changes. Thank you, Willow.

Today's Rune - EOLH

Good Morning everyone. Little Miss is having a well deserved lie in this morning, so today's offering has been drawn by my own hand. EOLH often signifies some form of new influence, and unless surrounded by negative runes, this is usually a positive one. New career or study opportunities are often associated with this rune. It is a rune of friendship, and carries a strong protective influence, promising a period of good fortune.

Today's Rune - DAEG

Good Afternoon everyone! A little delayed again today as Little Miss has a visitor to the Cauldron, so lots to prepare for before she arrives. So a touch later than I'd like, here is today's offering. As a singular rune, DAEG is often associated with increase and growth, and suggests a time of prosperity lies ahead. In itself, DAEG has no negative aspects, and even in a negative cast, indicates that you have the ability and inner strength to turn situations to your advantage.

Today's Rune - WUNJO

 Good Morning all! Fresh out of the bag this morning, and drawn by the fair hand of Little Miss, we have the rune WUNJO. This is a very positive rune and indicates that joy and happiness are about to enter your life.

When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

Sorry, I'm a little late with this post, due to playing Hooky yesterday. I though I had set it to auto-post, obviously not. Still, better late than never. The New Moon is when the Goddess wears her darkest cloak and is hidden from our eye.   It is a time of transformation, when our Lady casts off the mantle of Crone and dons her Maiden's gown. Out with the old and in with the new, as it were.

Today's Rune - ISA

Good Morning everyone! Having a bit of a lazy start to the day, after our day out to the Faery Festival at Llangollen, yesterday. It is still on today, so if you get chance to go, I'd heartily recommend it, for young and old kids alike. Being able to go in costume is a definite bonus, no matter your age. Anything goes, from Faeries through to Captain Jack Sparrow, and anything in between so don't be shy, let your imagination have free reign for a day. Little Miss is not the only one feeling inspired by what we saw yesterday ... Here is today's runic offering.

What an Enchanting Day Out - Llangollen Faery Festival

Crystal Carol's Crystal Carol's Well, we made it to the Faery Festival ... and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. That is to say, Little Miss and I did, it's not quite the better half's cup of tea, but he faced the day with a smile, and helped with some of the photography. Crystal Carol's

Today's Rune - EIHWAZ

Good Morning everyone. May your day bring you happiness and peace. EIHWAZ indicates that any goals that you may have set for your self are achievable, even if there appears to be obstacles in your way but delays may be minor and short lived.

Today's Rune - FEHU

Good Morning, everyone! Here is the rune for today, FEHU, and once again drawn by the fair hand of Little Miss. In general, FEHU represents an expected financial gain, something that has been earned and worked for.

Today's Rune - ING

Good morning and welcome to today's post This morning's rune is ING, a very positive rune indeed and generally, a rune of good fortune. Any projects brought to a close around this time, are likely to reach a successful conclusion.

Today's Rune - GIFU

Today's rune, is another easy one for you to remember as its name GIFU sounds very similar to its meaning of 'Gift.' It is one of the few runes that has no reverse aspect, other than to indicate that the root of the problem at hand, may be of an emotional nature.

Today's Rune - HAGALL

Friday blessings to one and all, the weekend is upon us, at last. The fields around us have now been harvested, and baled, ready to be stored for winter bedding. Time to check our soft fruit bushes, for any remaining treats. Today's rune is HAGALL, and has been drawn by the fair hand of Little Miss. HAGALL is a symbol of disruption and usually signifies influences beyond our control.

Busy day at the Cauldron ...

Blessings to one and all! Yesterday saw the Cauldron transform into a hive of activity, with hours of baking fun, in celebration of Lughnasadh (Lammas).

Today's Rune - TIR

Good Morning All! It's going to be a busy day around the Cauldron, today. Full of creative fun with Little Miss and her friend. Hopefully, we will have something worth sharing with you all at the end of the day! In the meantime, here is today's Rune selection. Enjoy your day ...

Today's Rune - LAGAZ

Good Morning everyone! Had enough of the rain yet? The meaning of today's rune could be summed up in just two words,  'Feminine Intuition.' LAGAZ is the epitome of this phrase, in that is both the principal feminine rune and deals with the area of intuitive knowledge .

Fossil Hunting ...

Good Morning all, I must say, it's nice to see the rain make an appearance, albeit briefly. With temperatures set to rise again next week, we are taking advantage of this break in the weather to collect as much rain water as possible, while we can. We have water butts filling as I type!

Today's Rune - PERDHRO

Good Morning folks, and what a gloriously sunny day we have woken up to! A perfect day to pull a rune to see what the day may hold. Hold on to your hats, its all about secrets and surprises, today.

Just a Little Art & Craft ...


School's Out for Summer!

Well, not quite ... as there are just under two more hours left of this term, before we get Little Miss all to ourselves again for just over six weeks! Although, Little Miss is not so little any more, so I may need to think of another nick name for use in my posts. We have lots of activities planned, many of which may just find there way onto this Blog, so watch this space! 1 hour, 40 minutes and counting ...

Today's Rune - ANSUZ

Good Morning, gentlefolks! Hope you've all had some rain this week! Today's rune is ANSUZ meaning 'mouth' and is quite an easy one to learn due to it sounding like 'answers' when spoken. It is, in fact, the rune of the spoken word, accepting advice and gaining of knowledge or wisdom. Depending on supporting runes, the presence of ANSUZ often represents the need for careful consideration of all the facts available to you.

The Legendary Llangollen Faery Festival 2018

Looking for somewhere a little magical to take the little ones this summer? Why not give them, and yourselves, a treat by visiting The Legendary Llangollen Faery Festival? We will be attending for the first time, this year and from what I have seen and heard, it promises to be full of fun, with FREE activities, demonstrations, entertainment and lots and lots of artisan stalls, selling items to suit any taste and pocket! 

Old dog, new tricks!

Good Morning everyone! Yes, I'm back from an extended break, and No, yesterday's post was not just a fly-by, flash in the pan. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! No ... my broom was not broken, but life did take over, which meant blogging needed to take a back seat, whilst I needed to fly below the radar for a while, recharge my batteries, gain some new skills and perspective. I hadn't noticed, until yesterday's post, that almost a year has passed since I last shared something with you.

'An it harm none, do as you will?

I think everyone knows this part of The Wiccan Rede, and many question the idea of being able to do what you like as long as no one gets hurt in the process. Is it even possible? Is that not the same as having your cake and eating it? It's human nature to want to retaliate, stand up for yourself and others, when you or someone close has been victimised in some way, isn't it?