Ostara Blessings...
In effect, Ostara is the second of our Spring sabbats, (Imbolc being the first) and marks the Spring Equinox, where the length of day is equal to (or almost) that of night. Image used courtesy of Buckadoe Photography It is the time when Spring begins, according to the solar calendar. For those of us in the United Kingdom, Ostara is celebrated on 21st/22nd of March. However, the Vernal Equinox itself falls on the 20th March at 10.28. It is a good time to banish all the negative things in your life, things that are holding you back, preventing you from moving forward, and on to better things. A time to truly reflect on what you really want from your time in this life and how to set about achieving them. It represents fertility, not just in the sense of reproduction and birth in the physical sense, but also of giving birth to new ideas and nurturing them into fruition. This is a time to celebrate the new life growing all around us, to bless seeds that are ready ...
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