Old dog, new tricks!

Good Morning everyone!

Yes, I'm back from an extended break, and No, yesterday's post was not just a fly-by, flash in the pan.

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun! No ... my broom was not broken, but life did take over, which meant blogging needed to take a back seat, whilst I needed to fly below the radar for a while, recharge my batteries, gain some new skills and perspective. I hadn't noticed, until yesterday's post, that almost a year has passed since I last shared something with you.

Over the next few weeks, posts will vary from the usual Rune and Tarot slots, crafting ideas, Hedge witchery and ponderings, to include some useful tips and ideas that I have picked up during the last year.

One tip in particular, that I have found extremely useful, came from a close friend. I class it as a little bit of Kitchen Witchery, as it has saved me a small fortune in carrots and parsnips!

By simply wrapping your carrots and parsnips individually in tin foil/aluminium roll, before placing in the fridge, (make sure they are dry first) will increase their useful life by at least 2-3 weeks! I know, it sounds so simple, but it really does work. No more floppy or shrivelled C's and P's after just a couple of days, it is amazing.

Another tip garnered from the same friend, is to place a piece of kitchen roll in with any opened bags of pre-washed and packaged salad, before putting back in the fridge. Again, this seems to help it stay crispy for longer.

Some of you may already know of these tips, but I didn't, proving that this old dog, at least, can learn new tricks.

If anyone has any other tips that they would like to share, please feel free to add it to the comments section below. 

Hope you fly-by again soon.




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