Fossil Hunting ...

Good Morning all,

I must say, it's nice to see the rain make an appearance, albeit briefly. With temperatures set to rise again next week, we are taking advantage of this break in the weather to collect as much rain water as possible, while we can.

We have water butts filling as I type!

That said, it didn't prevent us taking advantage of the hot weather, last week. We surprised Little Miss by escaping to the Jurassic Coast for a few days, for a spot of fossil hunting. Something she's been wanting to do for quite a while.

As you can see, we had a little success with this ammonite.

Although it is not clear to see, this image shows two pieces of the same rock, that had split to reveal the fossil and its imprint. The actual fossil is the lower of the two, and separated cleanly from its slice of rock with ease.

It's humbling to think that we are the first humans to see and touch this ammonite, in at least 65 million years!


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