Today's Rune - LAGAZ

Good Morning everyone! Had enough of the rain yet?

The meaning of today's rune could be summed up in just two words,  'Feminine Intuition.'

LAGAZ is the epitome of this phrase, in that is both the principal feminine rune and deals with the area of intuitive knowledge.

As the principal female rune, LAGAZ may represent the person for whom the cast has been made, if female of course. If male this person is male, it may represent the influence of a respected female within his circle.

LAGAZ is encourages us to listen closely to our intuition in relation to the current situation. Surrounded by other positive runes, indicates choices that are made based on your intuition, are likely to have a positive outcome.

LAGAZ is also the rune associated with psychic energy and ability. Even those who would not consider themselves to possess such gifts, may find that for some unknown reason, they are compelled to take a different route to the one they would normally follow. Whether this is a physical, emotional or spiritual encounter, may be indicated by the supporting runes.

Reversed: LAGAZ indicates that you have been misguided by your intuition, or more likely, have allowed your intuition to be over-ruled by the influence of others. Perhaps you have been tempted to take the easy way out of a situation, often against your better judgement.

You may find yourself in a situation where you have 'bitten off more than you can chew!' Have you perhaps taken on a role or job for which you have no training or required level of knowledge?

Unless accompanied by any delay runes, LAGAZ when reversed indicates a need to take immediate action to prevent any further trouble.

It may also relate to a woman who may be up to no good, often involving betrayal or deceit of some kind, which can only lead to un-happiness. However, if surrounded by positive runes, it is more likely to refer to a strong and dominant woman, who's actions may be helpful at the moment, but rest assured, she may make you feel beholden for a long time at a later date.

Enjoy your day!




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