'An it harm none, do as you will?

I think everyone knows this part of The Wiccan Rede, and many question the idea of being able to do what you like as long as no one gets hurt in the process. Is it even possible? Is that not the same as having your cake and eating it? It's human nature to want to retaliate, stand up for yourself and others, when you or someone close has been victimised in some way, isn't it?

For me, the answer to all of the above is "Yes." Here's why ...

Many of you have seen the memes and Tee Shirts, on social media, with the modern version "Do no harm, but take no shit!" or the various versions, there of. Personally, whilst the sentiment appeals to my quirky sense of humour, I also feel that it goes some way to answering the questions posed.

When relationships fail, for whatever reason, be they friendships, marriages etc., there will always be an element of acrimonious feelings on one or both sides. Negativity abounds in all directions and can very soon escalate into something dark and poisonous, with ill wishes flying from both sides.

So, how can we create a spell that provides protection for those in need, whilst harming no other?

The answer, my friends, is WORDS.

Words are a very powerful weapon. They can heal a broken heart, or rip it out whilst beating! They can nurture or torture, build you up or knock you down, make you feel safe or in imminent danger.

Choose your words wisely, consider the Rule of Three. Whatever you give out shall return times three.

Having been asked to provide such spells, in recent months, here are a few samples of Reflection Spells, to use as is, or to form a basis for your own spell casting. They can be used as quick, in the moment safeguards or accompanied by rituals of cleansing and using mirrors, candle and paper. As you can see, by reciting either of these examples, you are reflecting any ill wishes aimed at you, back to the instigator.

I keep my circle free from harm
reciting thrice, this little charm.
May all that you have wished on me,
return to you by rule of three.
That's three times good, or three times bad,
so be mindful of the words you cast.
I cast my circle family wide
protecting all who dwell inside,
and by the Wiccan Rede abide,
I deflect your negativity,
all harm you may have wished on me
return to you by the rule of three.

If there are no ill wishes, no harm done ... and if there are, then I consider the reflected wishes to be either Karma asserting her authority, or the Three fold Law making its presence felt.

So ... in this respect, I guess you can have your cake and eat it!

If you have read this and disagree, you are at liberty to do so, but I would be interested to hear your thoughts.




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