Today's Rune - PERDHRO

A perfect day to pull a rune to see what the day may hold. Hold on to your hats, its all about secrets and surprises, today.
PERDHRO is best known as the Rune of Mystery, dealing with all things hidden, secrets and occult abilities.When it falls in its normal position, as in this image, it usually foretells of something that has been hidden, or thought to have been lost, finding its way out into the light again, usually in a positive way.
A secret may be disclosed, perhaps one that you have tried very hard to keep hidden, be it for yourself or for the sake of someone else.
The secret revealed, may also be one that has been kept from you, albeit with the best of intentions.
As the old adage goes, "The truth will out!"
Depending on which other Runes are cast with it during a reading, it can suggest unexpected gains or surprises.
Reversed: It can indicate that events or plans may not turn out as expected. Be wary of any Skeletons hidden in cupboards, as this Rune reversed suggests they are about to be discovered. You may find yourself disappointed in a close friend and be careful when it comes to financial matters. "Neither a lender or borrower be!"
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