So ... which did you choose?
Good evening everyone!
Hope you've all had a good day?
So ... which Rune were you drawn to this morning, A, B or C?
Rune A : HAGALL, is the rune of disruptions and indicates influences being brought to bear from outside your personal zone, it tends to lean towards the negative.
It is an interesting rune if you are thinking of starting a new venture, but as mentioned above,at the moment it may feel that much your future lies in the hands of another, not necessarily someone you know, (bank, solicitor etc.) or something that you are happy with.
In effect, the presence of HAGALL may indicate that NOW is not the best time to start new ventures. Better to wait awhile and see what unfolds. Perhaps you were rushing into something and you need to take a step back and do some more research, before taking that leap?
Rune B : ING, is a very positive rune indeed and generally, a rune of good fortune.
Any projects brought to a close around this time, are likely to reach a successful conclusion.
If you have been anxious over certain situations, ING implies a sense of freedom from such anxiety, or perhaps just relief that comes from a job well done!
The presence of ING in a cast may indicate a time of change, and may mark the end of one life journey and the start of a new and exciting phase.
Rune C : DAEG is often associated with increase and growth, and suggests a time of prosperity lies ahead.
In itself, DAEG has no negative aspects, and even in a negative cast, indicates that you have the ability and inner strength to turn situations to your advantage.The growth indicated, will be a slow and steady one, so don't expect overnight success; but the results will be worth the extra time, care and effort taken, to achieve the end goal.
Your attitude or frame of mind, will go a long way to shaping your desired outcome. Think positive and you will attract positive things and results. Hold a negative outlook, and that could be the reason you are beset by problems and obstacles in the first place.
DAEG can often refer to a major change in your life, often relating to a fresh start of some description, but be prepared for this change to come out of the blue.
If you have been experiencing a low period recently, the presence of DAEG often indicates that things are about to get better.
Hope you've all had a good day?
So ... which Rune were you drawn to this morning, A, B or C?
Rune A : HAGALL, is the rune of disruptions and indicates influences being brought to bear from outside your personal zone, it tends to lean towards the negative.
It is an interesting rune if you are thinking of starting a new venture, but as mentioned above,at the moment it may feel that much your future lies in the hands of another, not necessarily someone you know, (bank, solicitor etc.) or something that you are happy with.
In effect, the presence of HAGALL may indicate that NOW is not the best time to start new ventures. Better to wait awhile and see what unfolds. Perhaps you were rushing into something and you need to take a step back and do some more research, before taking that leap?
Rune B : ING, is a very positive rune indeed and generally, a rune of good fortune.
Any projects brought to a close around this time, are likely to reach a successful conclusion.
If you have been anxious over certain situations, ING implies a sense of freedom from such anxiety, or perhaps just relief that comes from a job well done!
The presence of ING in a cast may indicate a time of change, and may mark the end of one life journey and the start of a new and exciting phase.
Rune C : DAEG is often associated with increase and growth, and suggests a time of prosperity lies ahead.
In itself, DAEG has no negative aspects, and even in a negative cast, indicates that you have the ability and inner strength to turn situations to your advantage.The growth indicated, will be a slow and steady one, so don't expect overnight success; but the results will be worth the extra time, care and effort taken, to achieve the end goal.
Your attitude or frame of mind, will go a long way to shaping your desired outcome. Think positive and you will attract positive things and results. Hold a negative outlook, and that could be the reason you are beset by problems and obstacles in the first place.
DAEG can often refer to a major change in your life, often relating to a fresh start of some description, but be prepared for this change to come out of the blue.
If you have been experiencing a low period recently, the presence of DAEG often indicates that things are about to get better.
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