What will your choice reveal?

Good morning, everyone. 

Apologies for delayed results, we had a technical hiccup. Namely me getting a day ahead of myself and putting the wrong date into the schedule.

 Are you ready to see what your choice of rune had in store for you, from yesterday's choice?


 Rune A :

As a person, SIGEL represents someone who likes to be in control of every aspect of their lives and can be a bit of a workaholic.

As long as they are in control, they are happy, but can become a little self-centered. When their control is hindered or removed, they can become anxious and feel helpless, leading on to tension and worry; which in turn will affect their health and judgement. 

If this is you, or someone close to you, perhaps it's time to take a well earned rest. Unwind a little and then come back to the situation with renewed vigour and ability to view things from a different angle.

In itself, SIGEL is a rune of great power. Much of this power will be available to you now, enabling you to make the changes needed. The ability to sweep any opposition out of the way, swiftly, can be yours for the taking, giving you some much needed time needed to relax and recharge.

Rune B :

Interestingly, WUNJO is a very positive rune and indicates that joy and happiness are about to enter your life and all areas are likely to bathe in its positive glow. So, if you have been experiencing any worries recently, WUNJO would indicate that the Wheel of Fate has started to turn towards a more positive aspect for you.

Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities, that may help to initiate this change.

Rune C :

As a singular rune, DAEG is often associated with increase and growth, and suggests a time of prosperity lies ahead. In itself, it has no negative aspects, and even in a negative cast, indicates that you have the ability and inner strength to turn situations to your advantage.

The growth indicated by DAEG, will be a slow and steady one, so don't expect overnight success; rest assured, the results will be worth the extra time, care and effort taken, to achieve the end goal.

Remember that your attitude or frame of mind, will go a long way to shaping your desired outcome. Think positive and you will attract positive things and results. Hold a negative outlook, and that could be the reason you are beset by problems and obstacles in the first place.

DAEG can often refer to a major change in your life, often relating to a fresh start of some description. Other runes would help to indicate where this will lie. If no clear indication is presented, then prepare for this change to come out of the blue.

If you have been experiencing a low period recently, the presence of DAEG often indicates that things are about to get better.

Blessing to one and all,



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