Three Rune Cast

Good Morning, everyone! How are you all today?

Once again, I can only apologise for yesterday evening's failed reveal. The results are now posted, so if you weren't around in the wee small hours this morning, why not take a look now.

Nothing to choose from today, but something for you to ponder. Here is a general Three Rune Cast.

Considering that when we draw these Runes, rather than asking a direct question for ourselves, we ask the general question, "What does the Universe have to say today?"

Based on this cast, I can't help but draw comparisons to the current political situation going on around us, at the moment. What do you think?

Position 1: The situation at hand.

Chances are that you either have, or are considering picking up the baton to fight for a specific cause. If this is the case, TIR indicates that you are quite prepared to fight for what you believe, no matter how the odds may be stacked against you and in combination with supporting runes, such as URUZ, indicates that you are likely to succeed.

You may experience, or be called upon to accept an increase in power and standing within your circle, as well as a possible increase in wealth. TIR is the embodiment of success and extreme motivation, in any area of competition.

Position 2 : Action Required.

EIHWAZ indicates that any goals that you may have set for your self are achievable, even if there appears to be obstacles in your way but delays may be minor and short lived. However,  it is probably best to avoid bulldozing over any such obstacles.

This time of minor delay may be better spent by taking a step back to double check that the path you are on, is truly what you want. In effect, the perceived obstacle may be nothing more than the powers that be, giving you time to pause for thought and take stock.

Check your plans carefully. Have you allowed wiggle room for any delays? Assess for potential problems and have a plan to deal with them, should the occur? With a little forward planning, most things can be sorted, quickly and efficiently.

Position 3 : Potential Result

URUZ indicates that a time of change is at hand, one that is often natural and unavoidable, nor should you try to avoid it. In order for growth, progress or new beginnings to occur, it is often necessary to remove that which we no longer need. Consider if there are any areas of your life that need to be de-cluttered.  Is something from your past holding you back, or is it you doing the clinging?

Look within yourself to find the inner strength and stamina needed to see these changes through.

In areas of business and career, the presence of URUZ can indicate the possible chance of promotion, new job etc, but only after you have put in the hard yards and been careful with the resources at hand.

URUZ often indicates good fortune and success, especially if accompanied by other favourable runes, such as it is here, with the presence of TIR.


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