Seconds away! Part two ...

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you found something of interest in my last post, and welcome back to those tuning in for part two.

At the end of yesterday's post, I asked if you could see the similarities and differences between the two casts. So what better place to start today's post, than with some general comparisons. I have included the images again, for reference.

First Cast - General Reading
Second Cast - Clarification


We dealt with the inclusion and position of the crystal, yesterday, so any reference today, will be a passing one.

I suppose, the most noticeable difference, is the grouping of each cast. To me, it makes sense that the general cast has a wider scatter pattern than for the second cast. With the clarification cast, the question was more focused, hence the pattern of spread followed suit. 

With the clarification cast, there were only two Runes that fell outside of the main circles, one known influence and one unknown. With the majority of Runes falling within the circles, suggested that any influences would lie close to the sitter, eg. work, home, family, bank etc. Whilst the general cast, provided a far greater number of Runes outside the main circle and the unknown influences outnumbered the known. (I will go into more detail on this aspect in a future post.)

Despite the differences, there are a few similarities. Granted, they are not as immediately visible as the differences, unless you know what to look for.

We have already dealt with the crystal being positioned within the circle of Self, now consider the Runes themselves. For instance, there are a total of nine Runes showing their faces in both casts, granted they are not all the same ones, but there are three that appear in both casts, and two of those, appear within the same area of the Ground cloth. Namely in the Fire Quadrant, whilst the third has migrated to the center circle of Self and is almost touching the crystal.

All of these little nuances of numbers and positioning, help to give the reader a clearer idea of how to guide the sitter by interpreting the cast as fully as possible, which usually means drawing on other skills from time to time. 

It may be that the reader may consider that for both readings to have the same number of visible Rune faces is significant, and so may draw on their knowledge of Numerology for clarification. That two of the same Runes should fall within the same circle and quadrant, would also be considered significant, so the reader, myself included, would take a closer look at the surrounding influences.

As you have probably gathered by now, reading the Runes is not just a case of buying a set and an accompanying book of words to look up the basic meaning of each one. Although, that is a good place to start, there is so much more to it, which only comes with experience and practice, lots of practice. Not to mention developing the ability to "Tune In."

I think that's enough for today, but please pop back tomorrow, when I'll take a closer look at the Ground cloth and it's various zones and quadrants. If you have any questions, or require clarification on either yesterday's or today's post, please post a comment below. Little Miss and I would love to hear from you.





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