Today's Rune - HAGALL

Friday blessings to one and all, the weekend is upon us, at last.

The fields around us have now been harvested, and baled, ready to be stored for winter bedding.

Time to check our soft fruit bushes, for any remaining treats.

Today's rune is HAGALL, and has been drawn by the fair hand of Little Miss.

HAGALL is a symbol of disruption and usually signifies influences beyond our control.

Depending on accompanying runes, HAGALL, will help to determine if these disruptions are good or bad, either way, influences being brought to bear from outside your personal zone, will tend to lean towards the negative.

It is an interesting rune to find in a cast, if you are thinking of starting a new venture, but as mentioned above, much depends on other runes. However, HAGALL indicates that, at this time, your future lies in the hands of another, and not necessarily someone you know either. Are you waiting on news regarding a bank loan or mortgage? What about that new business venture?

With HAGALL, there is no definitive reversed position, it looks the same either way up.

In short, there is no getting away from what is depicts. NOW may not the best time to start new ventures. Better to wait awhile and see what unfolds. Perhaps you were rushing into something and you need to take a step back, do some more research, before taking that leap? You may highlight issues that may either work in your favour, or prevent you from making a mistake.

Enjoy your weekend,



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