When the Lady's Moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.

Sorry, I'm a little late with this post, due to playing Hooky yesterday. I though I had set it to auto-post, obviously not. Still, better late than never.
The New Moon is when the Goddess wears her darkest cloak and is hidden from our eye.
It is a time of transformation, when our Lady casts off the mantle of Crone and dons her Maiden's gown. Out with the old and in with the new, as it were.
As the Crone casts aside her visage, this is a good time time to seek her help in casting off our own heavy cloak of negativity and stagnant energies by asking her politely, to take them with her.
The thin slither of a crescent marks the emergence of our Lady in Maiden form. This represents renewal. New beginnings, new cycles, fresh ideas and dreams; a chance to make changes, clearing the way ahead for personal growth. Or maybe, you just want to consolidate or re-affirm ideas that you have already set in motion. Either way, it is a good time to make your wishes known to the Maid as she steps lightly into view.
Introspection ... honest introspection, can be a wonderful and liberating experience.
Take time to contemplate the past, present and future honestly, look at how you have arrived at this point in your life. Is there anything you would or could have done differently, or are you happy with your lot? If not, look at why that might be. If you are, then what next?
Often we find ourselves holding on to things and ideas of the past that, in truth, we no longer need. We hold on, because we are afraid to let go, whether that be property, relationships or a job. We hold on, because it's what we know, no matter how negative, down-trodden or out of control these things make us feel. We hold on because we are afraid of the unknown, afraid to fail.
So ... Where would you like to be? (Yes, I too would like to be on a nice warm beach, somewhere exotic, but I'm talking about life in general.) Once you have decided, what steps will or can you take to achieve your new goals?
There are so many different ways to ask for the help of the Goddess, from complex workings and rituals to one of the most simplest forms of writing your wish/desire down on a piece of paper and either burning it or keeping it with with you, in a small pouch with relevant herbs and or crystals you judge to be beneficial to your specific request.
Always remember to follow the "Rule of Three" and abide by the "An ye harm none" ethos.
If something doesn't go the way you hoped or expected, don't be downhearted. It doesn't mean your wishes have not been heard, only that the Universe has chosen a different path for you to follow.
More often than not, what we think we want may not actually be what we need. The Universe has its ways of delivering what's right for us, at any given opportunity, even if it doesn't look or feel that way at the time.
Everything happens for a reason, be it good, bad or just plain ugly! As the saying goes, "When one door closes, another will always open." You just need to be on the look out when opportunity comes knocking. A word to the wise though, He doesn't carry a sign, and will appear when you least expect it!
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