Today's Rune - FEHU

Good Morning, everyone!

Here is the rune for today, FEHU, and once again drawn by the fair hand of Little Miss.

In general, FEHU represents an expected financial gain, something that has been earned and worked for.

You may have faced significant opposition to achieving your desired outcome, but the end result is now within your grasp.

Perhaps that new career is finally going to take off, or if you have been working towards setting up your own business, the presence of FEHU in a cast, may indicate that your hard work is about to pay off, especially if supported by other runes in the cast.

Reversed: As one would expect, to have FEHU reversed in a rune cast would generally mean the opposite of the above, unless you change the course of action you are currently following. However, if surrounded by other, more positive runes, it may merely indicate a delay of some sort before hand.

If surrounded by a mainly negative company of runes, it would generally indicate a periods of frustration, disappointment and more significantly, a material loss of some description, which cannot be recovered.

FEHU in reverse, advises taking a closer look at your current plans. Maybe now is not the time to be concentrating on a particular project, as it may hold no long term benefit. Better to take time to reconsider, even if it means dropping the project all together and considering other options.




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