Today's Rune - URUZ
Good Morning everyone!
We have another busy day at the Cauldron, with Little Miss having not one, but two house guests to visit this afternoon. Plus plenty going on on the adult front as well.
We're currently looking into some new crafting methods and ideas, the results of which we will share in due course.
So, what does today's Rune, URUZ, have in store?
URUZ indicates a time of change, one that is often natural and unavoidable, and a such, you shouldn't try to resist it.
In order for growth, progress or new beginnings to occur, it is often necessary to remove that which we no longer need. Is it time for you to de-clutter any areas of your life? Is something from your past holding you back, or is it you doing the clinging?
Whatever the answer, this Rune suggests that by looking within yourself, you will find the inner strength and stamina that you need to see these changes through.
URUZ is often associated with strength and virility, good health and strong powers of natural resistance to common ailments, often resulting in a quick recovery.
In areas of business and career, the presence of URUZ can indicate the possible chance of promotion, new job etc, but only after you have put in the hard yards and been careful with the resources at hand.
In short, URUZ often indicates good fortune and success, especially if accompanied by other favourable runes.
Reversed: In this position, URUZ often indicates that your may be about to, or have already failed to grasp and take advantage of situations that could have been to your advantage.
Perhaps you are suffering from a lack of motivation or low self esteem, which has allowed someone you perceive to be 'better than you' apply their influence over your destiny?
URUZ advises to take care of any potential heath issues promptly, to avoid becoming run down and unable to function at your best, or slipping further into lack of motivation or self-esteem, thus entering a vicious cycle.
In its reversed position URUZ can also indicate dramatic changes about to take place, however, they may not be changes that you will like. Look to the other runes present to find where these changes are likely to take place and any indication of how you can turn things back to a more positive outlook.
But as already stated, many of the answers you seek, can be found from within, if you take the time to look and look with honesty.
We have another busy day at the Cauldron, with Little Miss having not one, but two house guests to visit this afternoon. Plus plenty going on on the adult front as well.
We're currently looking into some new crafting methods and ideas, the results of which we will share in due course.
So, what does today's Rune, URUZ, have in store?
URUZ indicates a time of change, one that is often natural and unavoidable, and a such, you shouldn't try to resist it.
In order for growth, progress or new beginnings to occur, it is often necessary to remove that which we no longer need. Is it time for you to de-clutter any areas of your life? Is something from your past holding you back, or is it you doing the clinging?
Whatever the answer, this Rune suggests that by looking within yourself, you will find the inner strength and stamina that you need to see these changes through.
URUZ is often associated with strength and virility, good health and strong powers of natural resistance to common ailments, often resulting in a quick recovery.
In areas of business and career, the presence of URUZ can indicate the possible chance of promotion, new job etc, but only after you have put in the hard yards and been careful with the resources at hand.
In short, URUZ often indicates good fortune and success, especially if accompanied by other favourable runes.
Reversed: In this position, URUZ often indicates that your may be about to, or have already failed to grasp and take advantage of situations that could have been to your advantage.
Perhaps you are suffering from a lack of motivation or low self esteem, which has allowed someone you perceive to be 'better than you' apply their influence over your destiny?
URUZ advises to take care of any potential heath issues promptly, to avoid becoming run down and unable to function at your best, or slipping further into lack of motivation or self-esteem, thus entering a vicious cycle.
In its reversed position URUZ can also indicate dramatic changes about to take place, however, they may not be changes that you will like. Look to the other runes present to find where these changes are likely to take place and any indication of how you can turn things back to a more positive outlook.
But as already stated, many of the answers you seek, can be found from within, if you take the time to look and look with honesty.
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