The Karma Kick

There are an abundance of Karma related meme floating around on social media these days. Many raise a smile, as I'm sure is the intent, some may strike a poignant chord for those who may be struggling as a result of another's actions, intended or otherwise.

No doubt, we have all wished for a little "Karmic Intervention" from time to time, but it's how we react, when we hear that Karma has delivered on our request, that interests me.

The temptation to dance, sing, throw a party, march up to the person(s) concerned saying, "Serves you right, you got what you deserved!" can be overwhelming. In short, there is a strong tendency to gloat?

It's natural to feel some sense of satisfaction, but given the fact that Karma makes for a fickle friend, I would urge quiet recognition of her task fulfilled, and as this meme suggests, "Smile, give thanks and move on."

Otherwise, if she catches you enjoying her victim's discomfort too much, she may just feel inclined to give you a kick, too!

Ever mind the "Rule of three!"
what you give out you shall receive.
Three times good and three times bad,
be mindful of the words you cast.
I call the Goddess in trinity,
whilst harming none,
so mote it be.

Image used with permission.
Witch, Wicca, Karma, Meme, Facebook, Twitter, Rule of Three, Wiccan Rede, Glastonbury Tor, St. Michael's Tower, Hill, Pagan


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