Spring has sprung...

Despite the variable extremes of weather we've been having recently, I can confirm that spring has most definitely arrived at Willow's Cauldron!

Not only do we have a colourful display of Snowdrops, Crocus and Daffodils to grace us with their presence, but the dawn chorus has started in earnest and so has the nest building.


 The frogs been busy too!

This is what greeted us after only one night at the end February. This lovely clutch has since been added to. It won't be long before there is a mass exodus of wiggling little tadpoles, all striving to reach the shallow stone beach, safe from the ever ready mouths of the larger pond residents, Goldfish.

We can always tell when a hatch is underway, the water becomes foamy and the behaviour of the fish changes. They become preoccupied with keeping close to, and positioning themselves between, the clutch and the beach, ready to strike and make the most of Nature's 'All you can eat buffet!"

Judging by the amount of returning amphibians, year on year, I can confidently surmise, that more tadpoles survive than don't!


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