Getting Ready for Ostara - Spring Equinox

It's been a busy old day at the Cauldron today. We've had some lovely Mother/Daughter time baking cakes in the morning and making clay models in honour of Ostara this afternoon.

Considering it was the first time Little Miss has attempted to make a Hare and a symbol of the Goddess, I think she did extremely well, and I'm really proud of her. (Her models are to the left of the wand, just in case you were wondering!)

Don't ask what the circular band and the disk is, I don't think she knows herself, yet!

All we need to do now is paint them!

We had some interesting conversations about why we use the Hare and Eggs as symbols to celebrate the Spring Equinox, which I explained, is essentially our equivalent to Easter. How the Hare became the Easter Bunny and how the brightly painted eggs (once we get round to it) are now represented by the chocolate variety at Easter.

A little confusing for a seven year old, perhaps, but as long as she was still getting her chocolate variety in three weeks time, she was more than happy to celebrate twice! 😂😂😂

Ostara, Spring Equinox, Wicca, Sabbat, Hare, Eggs, Fertility, Growth, Flowers, Bright, Colours, Witchcraft, Pagan


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