Missing in action...

Sorry for the absence of a post, yesterday. It was just one of those days that needed to be lived and appreciated. Very, very busy!

There were a few bits and pieces required for the garden, but we also ended up buying a couple of Gooseberry bushes for Little Miss. She has quite a penchant for the hairy little fruit, and loved harvesting them from the hedgerows near where we live, not to mention picking the odd one or two on her way to and from school!

Sadly, the fields along which these hedges run, now have rather large houses built on them and the hedges have been somewhat depleted, what is left form part of the properties boundaries, and the new owner is not the sort of person to take kindly to us picking fruit from his hedge.

So, we have bought her two varieties of Gooseberry Bushes. One red and one green. She doesn't know yet, but I'm sure she will love planting them and harvesting her own crop, later this year!


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