Storm Moon ... 12th March 2017

Good morning, everyone! How are we all? Looking forward to tonight's Full Moon?

I know I am. March's full moon has many names, depending on where you are. For me, She is known as the Storm Moon, and has certainly made Her presence felt so far, this month.

I have also heard Her referred to as the Worm Moon, which makes sense given that the ground has now warmed and softened up significantly so that the worms can reach the surface and do their tasks more readily.

The time of any full moon is a good time to cleanse all crystals, amulets and any altar tools, but, for me, cleansing under the Storm Moon holds a special place. Not only does it signify the start of a new cycle of life and growth, but all that storm energy is very cleansing and refreshing.

I like to cleanse mine in running water first. I'm lucky, I have access to a quiet little brook, but on the odd occasion when I can't get there, we always have some rain water caught-up and ready for action. And there has certainly been an abundance of that, over the last few days!

I like to lay everything out, somewhere safe away from prying eyes and light fingers, under the night sky, on my altar cloth until the morning. Even if cloudy, this will be done. After all, it is the intent  that holds the magic.

On a personal level, this Storm Moon brings with it many challenges. It is a time for us to examine ourselves closely. Are we happy with who we are, or where we are in life? Do we need to make changes to achieve what we really want?

It is a time for introspection, reflection and self awareness. If things have not been going the way we wanted or expected, it's a good time to look into ourselves for the answers, to find that inner strength needed to heal the areas that are holding us back from achieving our full potential. Find the discipline that's needed and take back our responsibility for our own lives and how we live them.

Time to reacquaint ourselves with our intuition (Gut Feelings/Instincts) they are rarely wrong and only have our interests at heart.

Moon Rise...... 18:07 GMT on 12th March 2017
Moon Noon.... 00:41 GMT on 13th March 2017
Moon Set........ 07:01 GMT on 13th March 2017

Next New Moon.... 28th March.

Image used with permission.

Full Moon, Magic, Magick, Witch, Wiccan, Storm Moon, Worm Moon, Introspection, Instincts, Crystals, Altar, Tools, Water, Spells 


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