
Showing posts from August, 2017

Runes complete and good to go...?

Good morning all! How goes your day? Well, as promised, here are the two completed Witches Rune sets that I promised to show you, however, as the title of this post suggests, there is a large question mark over whether they will ever be used for divination ...

The Creative Cauldron...

Good Morning all! We're getting all creative again, here at the Cauldron. As you can see from the image, we have our rune blanks ready to receive their coloured coats, inscriptions and dedications.

Back on the Broom!

Good morning gentlefolks! It has been quite some time since my last post, for which I am sorry, but time out was required for personal health, well-being and growth. I had become so caught up in my immediate location, that I was failing to venture out into the wider arena, and missing out on so many great experiences, due to my reluctance to travel outside of my comfort zone. (Sneaky little blighter called "Lethargy" moved in for a while, but has now been evicted!)