
Showing posts from 2015

Samhain Blessing

Samhain Blessings to one and all May the God and Goddess here my call. Bless our Harvest, Health and Home, and all the Spirits who choose to roam. Protect and keep us safe from harm In love and light, please bless this charm.

Harvest Season - From the garden.

The Harvest season is well underway this week. The wheat fields are being reduce to stubble as I type and the maze fields will be next. I wonder if the farmer still leaves a few complete stalks for making 'Corn Dollies'?

Abundance Jars

Abundance:   Definition ‘To have a plentiful supply of …’ Wealth, health, love etc.  Be honest, we’d all like to have an abundance of something, but who hasn’t been stuck in the proverbial rut! Never quite getting the breaks we think we deserve; always having too much month left at the end of the last payslip; unlucky in love or just generally having to slog our way through each day with no sense of achievement. It can become quite demoralising. Does any of the above sound familiar? If the answer is ‘Yes’ then why not create your own Abundance Jar at home? You have nothing to lose and possibly much to gain.

Merry meet!

Merry meet and merry part, with joyful soul and happy heart. I hope to bring both fun and fact, and share a spell or two at that. From potions through to Witches brew, I'm sure to find some thing for you. Abundance Jars ... now there's a thing! Call back to see what my next posts bring. Blessed be, Willow. PS. Don't panic, not all my posts shall be in rhyme, it's just a little trait of mine.