Abundance Jars
Abundance: Definition
‘To have a plentiful supply of …’ Wealth, health, love etc.
Be honest, we’d all like to have an abundance of something, but
who hasn’t been stuck in the proverbial rut! Never quite getting the breaks we
think we deserve; always having too much month left at the end of the last
payslip; unlucky in love or just generally having to slog our way through each
day with no sense of achievement. It can become quite demoralising.
Does any of the above sound familiar? If the answer is ‘Yes’
then why not create your own Abundance Jar at home? You have nothing to lose
and possibly much to gain.
Abundance jars are not a new concept. I’m sure that many
cultural variations exist today, and have done so over the centuries. In fact,
I’d be surprised if you hadn’t already used one in some form already.
I’m sure you have heard the phrase “Money attracts money”. Well,
whether you use a specific jar, teapot, biscuit tin or an oversized whiskey jar
to unload your loose change into, in effect, that is what you’re hoping to do,
attract more of the same. By taking care of the pennies, you hope the pounds
will look after themselves.
Money jars are okay, but they only address one aspect of
life. The truth is, they are often raided before the target is reached, sending
you either back to square one or left with a load of coins that are no longer
legal tender.
I’d much rather create a jar that addresses the emotional,
spiritual and physical as well as the financial aspects of life, providing a
balanced result over time.
Interested? Check out my page on how to make your own
abundance jar.
It’s fun to do with the children too.
Blessed be
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