It's been a while ...

There have been plenty of changes during the last 18 months or so, from hospital appointments, a long overdue operation with an extended recovery period, personal growth and an aversion to working on anything IT related. I think I really needed the "Down-time."
Little Miss, is not quite so little any more, in fact, she's blossoming into quite a remarkable Young Lady! I'm going to have to think of a new title to reference her with, in future posts.
That I've finally written this post, is a hopeful sign that I have come through whatever energy was blocking my need to communicate.
Like everyone, we are affected by the current situation and are doing our bit to slow the progress of Covid 19 by following the guidelines, and only shopping for essentials, which for us is just a normal weekly shop. No stockpiling here!
Unfortunately, due to others irrational need to stockpile copious amounts of food and loo role, this has meant that instead of venturing out just once a week as usual, it's been taking 3-4 trips, just to get the basics. I'm sure many others have found themselves in this situation. Thanks to the selfish nature of the masses, like us, they have had to put themselves at risk far more times than should have been necessary, had everyone just been sensible!
The supply is there, the stores and staff just need some respect and time to fill the shelves. If everyone just bought what they needed and no more, there would be plenty to go round.
Many households have a family member that falls into the "At Risk," category. Ours is no exception. In addition to following the guidelines, we are also using natural ways to boost our immune systems.
Little Miss appears to have the constitution of an Ox and is fighting fit. The adults on the other hand are reaping the benefits of regular doses of Turmeric paste - 1 teaspoon, three times a day in a warm milky drink -(We use hot chocolate and Horlicks), and drinking half a litre of freshly prepared Lemon & Ginger water, morning and night. Oh, and an occasional tot of Gin (or other alcoholic beverage) on returning from a shopping expedition, doesn't hurt either!
I have previously posted the recipe for Turmeric paste and how to make it, or if you prefer to look into it in more depth, google Doug English.
For the Lemon & Ginger water, I use 1-2 whole un-waxed lemons sliced, (depending on size) and about a 2" length of ginger, peeled and sliced. Place in a large jug and add at least 1 litre of boiling water. Allow to steep and cool, use a potato masher to gently press the lemon & ginger to release the juices. We then use this mix in a 50/50 ratio. Eg: 250mls hot water/250mls cold lemon & ginger.
Well, I think I've more than made up for my long silence, I've certainly written more than I thought I would! There's lots more to come, now that I appear to have found my voice, again.
For instance, we've made the most of this dry, sunny spell, tidying the garden. The herb garden has required a considerable tidy up, so we've had an excess of Sage, Rosemary etc. to find a use for. Some has been used for cuttings, some have been dried and stored, as usual, but the most interesting experiment currently underway involves a Sage, Rosemary, Black Tea hair rinse, that is reported to darken grey roots! Watch this space!
Take care, everyone. I'm sure the tide will turn on this Pandemic soon.
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