Food for thought?

Little Miss, is growing up so quickly and like many parents, we often find ourselves saying "Not today, there isn't time." or "May be next time."
Inevitably, both answers are usually greeted with a crest-fallen expression. Yes, that's the one. The one that makes you feel even more guilty than you did before, if that's possible.
She doesn't want much, just to spend time together doing fun things. Making and baking, reading, drawing, going for a walk, taking photo's etc. Not expensive pastimes to be doing in terms of finances, but in terms of time, now that's a whole different kettle of fish!
Forget precious metals and gems, forget all the material things money can buy, TIME is one of the most valuable commodities you could ever lavish on your child. TIME = LOVE! Use it wisely, don't squander it.
The ironing can wait, the dusting can too! (For a little while, at least!)
Children are children for such a short time, one minute they're babes-in-arms, then they're cruising the education system and before you know it, they're striking out on their own adventures and possibly having children of their own!
Will they look back on their childhood with fond memories of the times you spent together, playing, making and learning, or will they just remember that you were usually too busy for such things? Will they follow they latter path, or will they MAKE time to play, relax and have fun?
Don't get me wrong, I know we all have to work to pay the bills etc. Even Little Miss knows this, but we shouldn't let that dictate everything. It's all about balance ... that WORK/LIFE balance that we all want to achieve.
Even if you don't have children, ask yourself this, "Do I work to live, or live to work?" If you answered the latter, maybe it's time to make some changes before you burn yourself out!
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